We about us


In 1981 I realized my childhood dream.....a Dobermann. Amigo from
Schloss Auersberg was a good dog with iron nerves. Therefore I was
able to participate in tournaments at SVÖ and ÖGV in Salzburg. At that
time I learned that also the Dobermann can be a good sportive dog. In
1992 I got a wonderful breeding bitch.called Laval Royal Bell. With her
finished the SCH III in two years.She was very successful at beauty
contests as well as applicable for security service. Laval proved herself in
various police-duty-dog- trainings, where she could keep abreast of
Shepherds dogs and Malinois. Laval had two litters, from witch I raised
a male dog.
Askan vom harten Kern had already SCH III, IPO III, FH III as well as
ZTP at O. Vogel with VIA when he was four years old.Therefore it
became my aim and wish to breed Dobermanns which are beautiful and
also have iron nerves.By chance at the training ground i got in contact with
the family Hafner, the owners of the famous breeding of Mon-ja-mes and
I so got a wonderful promising bitch from them. I am totally
convinced of Gräfin Draska Jimona of Mon-ja-mes, because she already
had the SCH III when she was 20 months old and shows apleasant
manner but nevertheless she is also got temperament..
Alles war im Jahr 1999 da bekam ich ein Angebot vom erfolgreichen Produzenten Florin Heckel von Donnersmark in München einen Kurzfilm mit dem  passenden Titel Dobermann zu drehen. Ich ließ es mir nicht entgehen und fuhr mit Askan vom harten Kern und Laval Royal Bell  nach München wo ich dann 2 Drehtage hatten.   Der Preis für die Mühen war das der Produzent Florian Heckel von Donnersmark 2000 den Kurzfilm mit dem Film gewonnen hatte.   Nun folgte die Auszeichnung mit dem goldenen Oscar am 25.02.2007 in Los Angeles für sein Spielfilmdebüt. " Das Leben des anderen in der Rubrik- Bester fremdsprachiger Film








                        Laval Royal Bell



Moreover she already proved herself in security service and personal security


Askan vom harten Kern a son form Laval Royal Bell